Over this holiday period there are two very different periods that you need to be aware of if you are booking a taxi or trying to hail one in the street. The first period is the lead up to Christmas, this one point of focus makes for a very busy period for everyone
If you are having an office party and you need to get you and your staff to the venue and get them home safe then consider pre-booking your taxis. You could pre-book a fleet of London Taxis to get you to your event, arrive in style and forget about the hassle of trying to hail a cab on the street.
Remember that there are a lot of people in the same boat as you so it can be challenging hailing a cab after hours during this period. That’s not to say that the taxi drivers won’t be out in force but with so many people celebrating Xmas and holidays it may take longer. It may be easier booking a cab and waiting at your venue, you can book us anytime by calling 131001 or via the Rydp app.
Up until Christmas day there is a lot going on, not only parties, but people heading away on holidays, shopping and generally there is more activity so make sure you book early and leave a bit more time to get where you need to go
We all know what NYE in Sydney looks like, it can be very tricky getting to and from venues so there are a few things we would suggest.
+ pre-book your ride to a venue
+ time leaving an event- dont leave straight after midnight this will be peak
+ be patient, a lot pf people are moving around Sydney and getting a taxi may take time
+ get a few friends together and share the ride, it will lower your cost and waiting is more fun with friends:)
At Rydo we don’t charge you more to get you home safe and sound on New Years Eve, our charges are transparent and upfront.
Phew…after New Years Eve things calm down a lot, lots of people are on holidays the cities are quieter and in general so are taxis. Although there aren’t so many people around it doesn’t mean the streets will be crawling with cabs. Taxi drivers need holidays as well! The good news is that although hailing a cab might take longer booking one should get you a taxi faster than the December period.
So chill out enjoy the calmness, pre-book , or book a taxi and it will get you where you need to go.