Finding a safe and affordable ride around Australia is easy. We can calculate your estimated fare from your pick-up location to your destination based on our travel rates and the distance. Learn how to calculate your taxi fare below.
To begin estimating how much your taxi fare will cost, enter your travel information below. These results are estimates and may vary depending on traffic, tolls and the type of taxi.
Enter the pick-up and destination address on the book platform or app and select the appropriate vehicle.
We generate an estimated fare based on the distance, calculated duration and potential surcharges.
After receiving your estimated taxi fare, you can choose to book the ride or reserve it for a future trip.
No, we do not increase our fare during peak hours. However, during off-peak hours you may receive a lower fixed taxi fare in-comparison to peak periods.
Our drivers try to arrive at your pick-up location on time. There may be additional surcharges if there is a delay caused by the rider. If you are running late, we would appreciate that you inform our rider.
Our estimated taxi fare is based on the shortest route between the pick-up and final destination. We use the distance between the destinations to estimate the driving time and include all potential surcharges and tolls to calculate an estimated fare for your taxi ride.
At Rydo, we offer corporate rides and packages to suit all business travelling needs. Read our corporate page for more information about our packages and offerings.
If you have the Rydo app, you can use your stored credit/debit card to pay for the taxi. You also have the option to pay the driver with cash or a card at the end of the trip and to request a fare receipt.
You can pre-book or book a Rydo taxi upon arrival at the Sydney airport. The distance between the airport and Sydney CBD is roughly 15km and the estimated fare is between $45 to $75 depending on the type of taxi (standard taxi, station wagon or maxi cab).